4 Must Have Management Tools For You Beauty Business

Between booking appointments, doing treatments and marketing your services, the administrative side of your beauty salon can often get overlooked. And let’s be honest, it’s not the most exciting task to do either!
That’s where management tools come in and can be extremely useful. They can help reduce the amount of time you spend doing administrative tasks, so you can focus on providing treatments. And they can also make the experience better for your clients too, providing a more professional service.
So with that in mind, here are four management tools that will help you to better manage your beauty business:
Booking System
You probably currently use social media messages to book your appointments. While this might be an easy way for clients to contact you, it’s actually quite common to miss messages or forget to reply. And the constant back and forth can be time consuming. That’s where investing in a booking system is worthwhile. If a client messages you, you can just direct them to your booking system where they can look through your services and pricelist, choose a day and time to suit, and receive automatic booking confirmations and reminders. It makes everyone’s life much easier!
Payment System
While some clients prefer to pay using cash, not everyone carries it with them or they might not have the correct amount. That’s where a payment system comes in. It means clients can pay using their debit card, and also allows you to keep track of payments much easier than with cash. Do your research here though, there are lots of different payment systems with different benefits and drawbacks such as fees.
Bookkeeping Accounts
As with any business, it’s vital that you keep your financial books in order. You need to know what’s coming in and out of your business daily. While some people may just keep track of this on a spreadsheet or similar document, you could invest in a bookkeeping tool that automates all your financial accounts for you. Taking out a lot of workload and time.
Email Marketing Tool
If you’re wanting to take your marketing to the next level aside from social media then an email marketing tool could be a useful way to do this. You can use this to send your clients emails for special offers, announcements and new treatments. There are a lot of different email marketing tools out there, many are really easy to use so just take a look around at something that suits what you’re looking for.
Source: IPHM Beauty Dept
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